Now A Just-In-Time Program


In your life, are too many 'action-oriented' meetings like trying to ride a bike with triangular tires? 

Is there an upcoming critical planning session where the group mood Is so anti-meeting - that meeting rage, factions, & petty grievances will likely derail everything?

Are you designing & facilitating an upcoming participatory meeting, but in past experiences your voice is the dominant one…the entire time?


I’ve been there in all of these situations, both as a participant and a facilitator. They are painful

All too frequently as a participant, I never want to re-engage, and often don’t. I especially stop engaging when “all voices matter” is proclaimed  - but there is no space given to more than 1 or 2. 

**I leave so disappointed because I know there is so much potential for synergistic co.creation with a few simple engineered adjustments.**

When this has happened to me as a facilitator [thankfully it’s rare], I walk away holding a ball of worry & concern co.ntemplating what went wrong-where did I fail? I get no rest or sleep until I can pinpoint the missed opportunity; the missed fulcrum that would have shifted the outcomes. It’s painful. Yet, once I identify the missed opportunity, I never allow it to be passed up again. In turn, each fail has co.ntributed to every success I’ve had - and has become the ‘master facilitator & transformation guide’ foundation I stand upon.

ROHA is offering “Meetings That Matter: Blueprint. Preliminary Visioning & Architecting” for $97

Rae D’Umay Facilitating an In-Person Social Impact Meetup

Rae D’Umay Facilitating a In-Person Committee Development Meeting

Rae is an outstanding facilitator who knows how to guide a group through insightful discussions to create people-focused outcomes. I participated in one of her workshops and was amazed at the energy, creativity, and passion she was able to draw out of my group. If you are looking to break out of your organization’s business-as-usual mindset, I highly recommend Rae!
— Allen Smith, SR Consultant, Deloitte

ROHA is initiating the co.llective co.alition with a Just-In-Time Program for $97:

In our hour together, via recording, we will cover the preliminary processes that are necessary for visioning & architecting a successful “Meeting That Matters.” 

I have documented this process - which is both art & science - and created a downloadable co.mpanion fillable Blueprint form which will be sent to you as a free gift for purchasing the program.

Meetings That Matter: Blueprints Class Topics will include:

  • What is meant by Participatory? 

  • Is a meeting called for, or is this a time to utilize another form of communication?

  • What type of meeting will serve the needs of the co.llective?

  • Meeting purpose vs objective. How to write an objective that has leverage.

  • Who to involve; when in the steps or process?

  • Room + Set Up + Timing

  • Agenda + Activities

  • Flow with “Design Tight Run Loose”


By incorporating these co.siderations into any participatory meeting planning, ‘action-oriented’ meetings that go nowhere will be a thing of the past.

With practice, you too, can receive a call 30 mins prior to an all hands department meeting; have 10 mins to plan + strategize; then lead a 30 min session where they walk away with a unified agreement on their Top 6 Financial Priorities - having co.generated a list of over 100 items; representing $Billions$ in fiscal interests!

Do you vividly imagine meetings that matter? 

Do you feel there has got to be a better way? 

Together, with you, we CAN co.llectively change the meeting experience. 

Are you ready to co.nspire with me?

ROHA “Meetings That Matter: Blueprint. Preliminary Visioning & Architecting” now a Just-In-Time program

For those who will be seeking more instruction to deepen their impact beyond the preliminary program; Meetings That Matter: Blueprint is a lead up for the 3-Part Series 


Meetings That Matter: Foundations. Key Participatory Strategies Sparking Co.llective Activation.

ROH Activates Policies

 No refunds are available after programming goes live.

Transfers are possible - please email: to request transferring registration to another person.

Rae of Hope Co.llective LLC & Service Channels do not guarantee outcomes. All outcomes are up to individual practitioners or organizations.